Saturday June 13, 2020

Saturday June 13, 2020


Pimiento Cheese with Crackers

Fried Chicken

Three-Speed Bourbon Baked Beans

Coleslaw Shady Glen Style

Strawberry Shortcake

This fried chicken dinner would make a great spread for the 4th of July, for family or a few friends if you’re starting to socialize again.  We’re not there yet, but if you’ve read any of my Saturday posts you know I don’t need a crowd or an excuse.  I made all 6 servings of this chicken just for John and me, and we were happy for days eating some of the best leftovers ever.

But let’s say someday you’re going to have a party.  The fried chicken serves 6 if it’s the only main dish on your menu, but if you grill some burgers or dogs alongside, it could stretch to feed 12.

fried chicken

The beans and coleslaw double easily, and the pimiento cheese appetizer makes a ton and keeps forever.

baked beans


Pimiento Cheese

Whatever you do, make this menu before the native strawberries disappear.

strawberry shortcake

Our Saturday dinners are always candle-lit and Sinatra-serenaded, and this one was no different.  But fried chicken is such great picnic food, this menu got me wishing we were having the kind of summer with concerts in the park.  I miss sprawling out on a lawn packed with friendly strangers under a sky that’s deepening to stars and fireflies.  You know they’ll be playing Oldies – maybe it’s a Zeppelin tribute band, or Motown, British Invasion or doo-wop.  Even if the music is from before your time, you’re surprised to realize you know all the words.

Sadly, this summer no one’s having concerts in the park, and we’re at home with only the fireflies in our own back yard.  I chose the early 60’s as the Oldies era for my Summer Concert at the Bandshell playlist, because these songs just seem made for summer nights.

The Game Plan

There’s a lot going on with this menu, but most of the work can be done ahead:

  • The day before, marinate the chicken and soak the beans.  (The beans can be started even further in advance, baked, and held in the fridge for several days.)
  • The pimiento cheese, the coleslaw, and the biscuits for the shortbread can all be made the day before, or early in the day.
  • If you’re using the slow method for the beans, start them 8 hours before you want to serve dinner.  (This is about 15 minutes of work and then the rest of the day the beans bake happily with minimal attention.)
  • Start preparing and frying the chicken about 2½ hours before serving.  This finishes the chicken an hour or more ahead, and gives you some time to relax with an appetizer before dinner.
  • Just before sitting down to dinner, reheat the beans, toss the strawberries with sugar, whip the cream, and get dinner on the table.
  • After dinner, briefly heat the biscuits and then assemble the shortcakes.
  • For a detailed plan with step-by-step instructions and timing, download the Game Plan document linked below.

Saturday June 13 2020 Game Plan

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